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<Card style="margin-top: 78px; min-height: 200px;">
<template #content>
<Panel header="Evaluated Clothes - Detail Page" class="rounded-4 bg-white" >
<div class="grid nested-grid">
<div class="col-4">
<Galleria :value="images" :responsive-options="responsiveOptions" :num-visible="5" container-style="max-width: 480px">
<template #item="slotProps">
<img :src="`${pfad}/${slotProps.item.pfad}`" style="width: 100%;" />
<template #thumbnail="slotProps">
<img :src="`${pfad}/thumb-${slotProps.item.pfad}`" />
<div class="col-8">
<div class="grid">
<Card class="col-12 mb-4">
<template #title> Evaluation </template>
<template #content>
<div class="grid">
<div class="col-4">
<label class="p-float-label" for="genehmigt">approved</label>
<InputSwitch id="genehmigt" v-model="itemext.genehmigt"></InputSwitch>
<div class="col-4">
<label class="p-float-label" for="zuhause">at home</label>
<InputSwitch id="zuhause" v-model="itemext.zuhause"></InputSwitch>
<div class="col-4">
<label class="p-float-label" for="draussen">outside</label>
<InputSwitch id="draussen" v-model="itemext.draussen"></InputSwitch>
<div class="col-12">
<label class="p-float-label" for="bemerkung">Remark / Notice:</label>
<Textarea v-model="itemext.bemerkung" autoResize cols="100" rows="5" />
<Card class="col-12">
<template #header>
<h1>{{ itemext.itemb.kurzbeschreibung }}</h1>
<template #content>
<div class="grid nested-grid">
<div class="col-4 mb-4">
<Chip v-if="itemext.genehmigt" class="checked mr-2" label=" Approved " icon="pi pi-check-square" />
<Chip v-else class="unchecked mr-2" label="Approved" icon="pi pi-stop" />
<div class="col-4 mb-4">
<Chip v-if="itemext.zuhause" class="checked mr-2" label=" At home " icon="pi pi-check-square" />
<Chip v-else class="unchecked mr-2" label=" At home " icon="pi pi-stop" />
<div class="col-4 mb-4">
<Chip v-if="itemext.draussen" class="checked mr-2" label=" Outside " icon="pi pi-check-square" />
<Chip v-else class="unchecked mr-2" label=" Outside " icon="pi pi-stop" />
<div class="col-12">
<label class="p-float-label" for="bemerkung">Remark / Notice</label>
<Textarea id="bemerkung" v-model="itemext.bemerkung" :disabled="true" autoResize/>
<div class="col-12">
<label>{{ itemext.itemb.bezeichnung }}</label>
<div class="col-4 field gap-1">
<small class="p-float-label" for="groesse">Size: </small>
<InputText class="p-inputtext-sm" id="groesse" :disabled="true" :value="itemext.itemb.groesse" />
<div class="col-4 field gap-1">
<small class="p-float-label" for="farbe">Color: </small>
<InputText class="p-inputtext-sm" id="farbe" :disabled="true" :value="itemext.itemb.farbe" />
<div class="col-4 field gap-1">
<small class="p-float-label" for="typ">Type: </small>
<InputText class="p-inputtext-sm" id="typ" :disabled="true" :value="itemext.itemb.type.bezeichnung" />
<div class="col-12 field gap-1" >
<small class="p-float-label" for="material">Material:</small>
<InputText class="p-inputtext-sm" id="material" :disabled="true" :value="itemext.itemb.material" style="width:100%;"/>
<table class="col-12 p-table-sm align-items-left measuretable">
<th>Value (in cm):</th>
<td>{{ itemext.itemb.abmessungen.brust }}</td>
<td>Length Top</td>
<td>{{ itemext.itemb.abmessungen.laenget }}</td>
<td>Shoulder Width</td>
<td>{{ itemext.itemb.abmessungen.schulterbreite }}</td>
<td>Waist Girth Top</td>
<td>{{ itemext.itemb.abmessungen.taillenumfangt }}</td>
<td>Hip Girth</td>
<td>{{ itemext.itemb.abmessungen.hueftumfang }}</td>
<td>Inner Seam</td>
<td>{{ itemext.itemb.abmessungen.innennaht }}</td>
<td>Length Bottom</td>
<td>{{ itemext.itemb.abmessungen.laengeb }}</td>
<td>Waist Girth Bottom</td>
<td>{{ itemext.itemb.abmessungen.taillenumfangb }}</td>
<template #footer>
<div class="col-12 gap-3 flex">
<Button severity="secondary" label=" UPDATE " icon="pi pi-file-edit" @click="doUpdate(itemext)" />
<script setup lang="ts">
import { useToast } from "primevue/usetoast";
import { ref } from "vue";
import { useDialog } from 'primevue/usedialog';
const dialog = useDialog();
const responsiveOptions = ref();
const pfad = '/photos';
let params: any;
params = inject('dialogRef');
const qid =;
//let isUpdate = ref(false);
//isUpdate =;
//console.log('isUpdate = ', isUpdate);
const toast = useToast();
const config = useRuntimeConfig();
interface cItemB {
id: number;
bezeichnung: string;
kurzbeschreibung: string;
groesse: string;
farbe: string;
typid: number;
material: string;
abmessungenid: number;
frontviewid: number;
interface cItemExt {
id: number;
zuhause: boolean;
draussen: boolean;
genehmigt: boolean;
bemerkung: string;
bewertung: number;
favorit: boolean;
itembid: number;
frontviewid: number;
const {data: itemext} = await useFetch(config.public.apiHostname + 'api/v1/ite/'+qid);
//const itemsb = ref();
//const {data: itemsbd } = await useFetch('http://ubodroid-2:8081/api/v1/itb/'+qid);
const {data: images } = await useFetch(config.public.apiHostname + 'api/v1/pho/ite/'+qid);
//const mea = ref({id: 0, kurz: '', brust:0, laenget:0, schulterbreite:0, taillenumfangt:0, hueftumfang:0, innennaht:0, laengeb:0, taillenumfangb:0});
async function doCreate(ite: cItemExt) {
ite.itembid = qid;
let fd = new FormData();
fd.append('zuhause', ite.zuhause.toString());
fd.append('draussen', ite.draussen.toString());
fd.append('genehmigt', ite.genehmigt.toString());
fd.append('bemerkung', ite.bemerkung);
fd.append('bewertung', ite.bewertung.toString());
fd.append('favorit', ite.favorit.toString());
fd.append('itembid', ite.itembid.toString());
fd.append('frontviewid', ite.frontviewid.toString());
console.log('fd = ', fd);
let insert = await $fetch(config.public.apiHostname + 'api/v1/ite', {
method: 'POST',
body: fd
if(insert) {
toast.add({ severity: 'success', summary: 'Item created', detail: 'Title: ' +, life: 3000 });
async function doUpdate(ite: cItemExt) {
let fd = new FormData();
fd.append('zuhause', ite.zuhause.toString());
fd.append('draussen', ite.draussen.toString());
fd.append('genehmigt', ite.genehmigt.toString());
fd.append('bemerkung', ite.bemerkung);
fd.append('bewertung', ite.bewertung.toString());
fd.append('favorit', ite.favorit.toString());
fd.append('id', qid.toString());
console.log('fd = ', fd);
let upd = await $fetch(config.public.apiHostname + 'api/v1/ite/'+qid, {
method: 'PUT',
body: fd
if(upd) {
toast.add({ severity: 'success', summary: 'Item updated', detail: 'Title: ' +, life: 3000 });
await refreshNuxtData();