package docstract import ( "bytes" "strings" "sync" "" "" ) //Extract takes a .msg files binary data and returns an array of attachments and a count of how many files were extracted func Extract(data []byte) (*[]*DocStract, int, error) { reader := bytes.NewReader(data) doc, err := mscfb.New(reader) if err != nil { return nil, 0, errors.Wrap(err, "creating reader") } files := []*DocStract{} { // Get all the attachments seperated to parse attachment := false file := 0 for entry, err := doc.Next(); err == nil; entry, err = doc.Next() { if strings.Contains(entry.Name, "attach") { files = append(files, &DocStract{}) attachment = true continue } if attachment && strings.Contains(entry.Name, "properties") { attachment = false file++ continue } if attachment { buf := make([]byte, entry.Size) i, _ := entry.Read(buf) if i > 0 { files[file].Bytes = append(files[file].Bytes, buf[:i]...) } } } } { //Determine FileType and FileName wait := sync.WaitGroup{} for _, doc := range files { wait.Add(1) go func(d *DocStract) { d.getName() wait.Done() }(doc) } wait.Wait() } return &files, len(files), nil }